Choose the best shoes

Have you ever gone for walking? That is great because it is the best way to improve your health. So, you must choose the best walking shoes for men to wear if (men)

Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 5, 2009

Help me help Dane

Last night was a pretty goofy time in the World of Cinder, but that post will have to wait. As I was leaving the Armored Gopher I bumped into a fellow named Dane. He was looking for advice on starting a new 2nd edition AD&D campaign. He's never DM'ed before and most of his player pool has never played before. I gave Dane as much general advice as I could cram into the twenty minutes or so we talked, mostly focussing on getting his players to interact with the imaginative environment first and the rules second.

One question I felt underqualified helping Dane with was the selection of a starting module. He'd really like the assistance a good intro module gives a first-time DM, but I don't know much about the range of available 2nd edition adventures. I could lend Dane my Keep on the Borderlands and/or Village of Hommlet, but I thought I'd first ask all you nice Gameblog readers for advice. Is there a good starting adventure made specifically for 2nd edition? Better yet, is there one somewhere on the internet? I don't want to send an enthusiastic newbie off to eBay to scour for old stuff if there are handier options available.

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