This is the closest thing you'll ever see to an official webring for the bestest game that was never written in the 70's but should have been.
- Official EC webpage
- Encounter Critical message board type thing - chock full of stuff, including free PDF of the rules
- Cumberland Games & Diversions lulu store - buy the print edition
- No Signal!
- Jeff's Gameblog
- Encounter RISICAL!
- The Polyhedral Dicebag
- I Waste the Buddha with my Crossbow
- Malevolent & Benign
- Mike's Amazing RPG Fun Pad
- Hyperspace Gremlins of Racine, WI
- Official Mesmerators of the 65th Quadrant non-link memorial
- God City Sandbox
- Guy-Wires
- Planet Algol
- EC PC generator
- The Lexicon of Vanth - wiki-based expansion of the sample setting from the rulebook
- QUIZ: Which Encounter Critical character are you?
- Play report: Legend of the Evil Schemer part 1, part 2
- Play report: Glory of Zoombaba!
- Play report by EC illustrator Dave Insel.
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