Choose the best shoes

Have you ever gone for walking? That is great because it is the best way to improve your health. So, you must choose the best walking shoes for men to wear if (men)

Thứ Tư, 21 tháng 1, 2009

lunchtime randomosity

Thirty Post-Apocalyptic Miscellaneous Items

1. foil packet of dried Cephalopod Crunchies
2. sonic toothbrush
3. three pack of glow-in-the-dark condoms
4. Mickey Mouse t-shirt
5. admantium golf club (driver)
6. large neon green purse
7. spool of 100 feet of coaxial cable
8. large can of Spam soup
9. spring assisted Yo-Yo
10. ukulele, out of tune
11. 4 feet of rusty iron chain
12. atomic Zippo
13. battered top hat
14. portable fruit/vegetable juicer
15. glowcube
16. spork, metal
17. Members Only jacket
18. wind-up Barky Dog toy
19. really cool sunglasses, but one lens busted
20. battery powered socks
21. bottle of vegetarian steak sauce
22. dashboard hula girl
23. hand-held video game system plus d6-1 cartridges
24. fondue fork
25. d6 Chick tracts
26. toilet plunger
27. baseball signed by the World Series winning Chicago Cubs
28. 2d6, Vegas style
29. snorkel and mask
30. bath towel

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