Choose the best shoes

Have you ever gone for walking? That is great because it is the best way to improve your health. So, you must choose the best walking shoes for men to wear if (men)

Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 1, 2009

Bullet Points of Light

So I've decided to insert Wildland, the first map & key from Points of Light, into my World of Cinder setting. I'm a huge fan of author Rob Conley's stuff and I kinda like the challenge of trying to make this shiny nugget of sandbox fit into my larger milieu. Upon rereading the Wildland entry, here are some of my ill-focused thoughts on making the setting my own.
  • The Bright Empire becomes another name for the Kelno Empire, my invading Space Romans adopted from the Wilderlands of High Fantasy.
  • The religious strife between the Goddess of Honor and the God of War will be recast as a conflict between the Church of the Great Gold Dragon and the Frog Gods of Chaos.
  • The Crandor Moors are marked on the map as being full of 'escarpments'. Forunately those things have a wikipedia entry so I can learn myself up. I come from Illinois. You know how flat Illinois is? Any bump in the road that interrupts line of site is called a hill.
  • The NPCs need full write-ups, and generally I'm going to demote them by several levels. In my world a fourth level fighter dude isn't just called a Hero, he's the kind of guy bards write songs about and kings seek out to lead armies.
  • All the paladins will be converted to Fighters and/or Clerics.
  • I'm not sure yet what to do with the druids. I like druids in principle, especially as NPCs, but I'm not sure how to stat them up. The Supplement I: Greyhawk method of using cleric/magic-users has some appeal, as does adapting the Mentzer version of the class.
  • The map needs more lava. There's a lone mountain in hex 1311 that would make a decent volcano. And a couple hexes of the Grey Sea could be set aside as Boil Zones, which would be known as navigational hazards to the local pirates.
  • At least a couple nameless horrors diced up from the Random Esoteric Creature Generator need to be added to the map.
  • The ruins and lairs need to be mapped out and stocked for adventure. Or maps and keys stolen from elsewhere and dropped onto the board.
  • On the 'nice but not required' side of things custom price lists for each community would be cool.

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