Adder's Tongue Tea - Doubles natural healing for the day consumed. 25gp buys enough to make into 20 cups of tea.
Birthwort Poultice - Grants a second saving throw against poisons if applied within one round, magic poisons and venom from weird or magical monsters excluded. 15gp per poultice.
Comfrey Root - Heals d4 damage to one wound if applied within one round. 10gp per root.
Dried Bogmoss - Doubles natural healing for up to d4 days. 10gp per bunch.
Garlic Juice - If applied bodily has a 50% chance of repelling insects. Applied locally it heals one point per each insect sting or bite. May ward off vampies. 7gp per vial.
Juniperberry Paste - Mash into mouth to grant d4-1 points to any character that is unconscious or at death's door, but further strenuous activity that day will do d4 more damage. Elves are affected as if by a love/lust potion unless they save versus poison. 15gp per per dose, worth 10 times as much to some elves.
Kingscandle Flowers in Wine - A vial of this painkiller will remove 1 hit point of damage from d4 wounds. 8gp per vial.
Marshwort Leaf - Cures d3 damage, cuts and punctures only. 5gp per leaf.
Saintswort in Wine - Pour onto a single wound, which will be healed d4 points. 10gp per vial.
Sweetweed Poultice - Heals d2 damage on a burn-based wound. 5gp per poultice.
The prices are completely bogus, by the way. Anderson didn't give any so I just plugged some half-assed numbers in there. Assume they include a ridiculous mark-up for rude adventurers flush with cash. Also, don't assume that all herbs are equally available everywhere.
To make some of these work hit points need to be tracked on a 'per wound' basis. Here is how that would work. Get out a separate scrap of paper and mark it up like so:
slashed by orc scimitar 4
punched by angry jester 2
torch to face 6
Now you know that Marshwort Leaf can help with the orc-inflicted cut an Sweetweed applied to the face will soothe what ails you. Magical healing should probably be applied to one wound at a time. If you heal a whole wound, any overage can be applied to the next one. Natural healing is distributed randomly.
A five point Cure Light Wounds might be shown like this:
slashed by orc scimitar 4
punched by angry jester
torch to face
Thorgar's player is obviously expecting that Marshwort to help with the orc-slash.
Optional Rule: Any single wound of six points or more is considered a severe wound and incapacitates the character for a -1 to-hit and saves. The penalty is removed when the wound is reduced to 5 points or less. That ought to give the players an additional complication to worry about when healing people.
For even more fun track the wounds received and healed on a single record you keep for an entire campaign.
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