Choose the best shoes

Have you ever gone for walking? That is great because it is the best way to improve your health. So, you must choose the best walking shoes for men to wear if (men)

Thứ Sáu, 15 tháng 8, 2008

Howdy, folks!

So I'm back from the family vacation and trying to catch up on a week without internets. I took a little moleskine with me to write down things that popped into my head. Every time I would pull it out and start furiously scribbling my wife would throw me an odd look, like she was silently asking me "What now?" and "Why now?" One time I said to her "I'm blogging!" She just rolled her eyes. Anyway, here's the least gaming-related pages in the book.

Ten Things I Learned On My Summer Vacation
  • Captain Mike's dad is a robot and a headhunter.
  • "Sunlight it made of lava. Lava makes the food grow." -my daughter
  • The icon for lightning in Japanese weather reports look more like an italicized number four (open top variety) than a jagged bolt.
  • Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson will take time to pose for a picture with a kid in awheelchair even if he's otherwise in a hurry. Classy.
  • No form of asking, begging, demanding, ordering, or threatening can induce my daughter to ride Pirates of the Caribbean with her old man.
  • ...But she still wants some pirate toys from the gift shop.
  • Sometimes a Disney World employee will just hand you some Fast Passes to a ride.
  • Chili Cheese Dog plus Several Hours in the Scorching Sun equals Spontaneous Intestinal Combustion.
  • Sometimes you're holding up the line at the entrance because you failed to put your finger on the biometric doo-hickey. Sometimes you're holding up the line because you did put your finger on the biometric doo-hickey and you weren't supposed to.
  • At least one TSA employee is nice and helpful. Thanks for all your help, Janessa!
Bonus One Thing I Learned When I Got Back From Summer Vacation
I can't quite make up my mind whether my next post will contain gaming content or whether I should change formats to Jeff's Shatnerblog.

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