Choose the best shoes

Have you ever gone for walking? That is great because it is the best way to improve your health. So, you must choose the best walking shoes for men to wear if (men)

Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 4, 2012

Meet my racer! (NSFW)

Since my FLAILSNAILS pc Donnal MacDonnal is off fighting a war in the Hill Cantons, I decided to make a new guy to participate in Richard's Carcosan Wacky Races.  I used these weird Carcosa chargen charts made by some sadist who hates players. This guy below has not been approved tot play yet, so consider him a first draft.

Oogah was kicked out of his tribe of naked ultraluddite cannibals for using a stick as a tool.  He still hasn't adapted completely to modern Carcosan society and its use of the strange technology known as 'pants'.

This is Oogah's ride before his mechanic tricked it out.  It's a standard model Carcosan motor-trike with radium-emission headlights.  Snoo added jet fins for aerodynamic stability, a rusty old hand-crank gatling gun, a buzzsaw armature, an infernal engine that burns the souls of cute little bunnies and a cup holder.  She calls the complete vehicle the Hate Beast.

This is Snoo, Oogah's grumpy mechanic.  Her turn-offs include long walks on the beach, cute little bunnies and riding on motorcycles behind naked savages.

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