Level: 5 Exp: _____ Species: Crystal Class: Wizard Size: Medium Vision: Darkvision | Health: 31 Healing Surges: 7 Healing Surge Value: 7 Initiative: +5 (+0 Dex, +5 level) Speed: 6 squares | Armor: Cloth Weapons: Dagger, Simple; One-Handed, proficient: +3, 1d4, Blade, Can be thrown, range 5 Quarterstaff, Simple; Two-Handed, proficient: +2, 1d8, Blunt Hand Crossbow, Simple; One-Handed, 1d6, ranged 10 |
Ability Scores
| Base Attack Modifiers
| Defense Scores
Skill Scores
Skill | Modifier |
Acrobatics | +5 (+0 Dex) |
Athletics | +7 (+2 Str) |
Bluff | +6 (+1 Cha) |
Diplomacy | +11 (+5 skill training, +1 Cha) |
Dungeoneering | +8 (+3 Wis) |
Endurance | +10 (+1 Con, +4 crystal) |
Heal | +8 (+3 Wis) |
History | +7 (+2 Int) |
Insight | +8 (+3 Wis) |
Intimidate | +6 (+1 Cha) |
Magic | +12 (+2 Int, +5 wizard) |
Nature | +13 (+5 skill training, +3 Wis) |
Perception | +8 (+3 Wis) |
Stealth | +5 (+0 Dex) |
Streetwise | +6 (+1 Cha) |
Technology | +12 (+5 skill training, +2 Int) |
Thievery | +5 (+0 Dex) |
Basic Melee Attacks:
Dagger; Attack: +10 (+2 Str, +3 proficient) vs. AC; Hit: 1d4+2 (+2 Str)
Quarterstaff; Attack: +9 (+2 Str, +2 proficient) vs. AC; Hit: 1d8+2 (+2 Str)
Unarmed; Attack: +7 (+2 Str) vs. AC; Hit: 1d4+2 (+2 Str)
Improvised One-Handed; Attack: +7 (+2 Str) vs. AC; Hit: 1d4+2 (+2 Str)
Improvised Two-Handed; Attack: +7 (+2 Str) vs. AC; Hit: 1d8+2 (+2 Str)
Basic Ranged Attacks:
Hand Crossbow; Attack: +5 (+0 Dex) vs. AC; Hit: 1d6+0 (+0 Dex)
Dagger (thrown); Attack: +8 (+0 Dex, +3 proficient) vs. AC; Hit: 1d4+0 (+0 Dex)
Other Actions:
Bull Rush; Attack: +2 (+2 Str) vs. Fortitude
Grab; Attack: +2 (+2 Str) vs. Reflex; sustain minor
Move Grabbed; Attack: +2 (+2 Str) vs. Fortitude; move action, halfspeed
Class Features:
Cantripomancy: As a wizard, you can perform a myriad of minor spells to amuse your friends and aid your allies.
Sources of Power: All wizards choose the source of their powers early on in their magical training. Many pick elemental sources like raging fire or billowing wind. Other more eccentric wizards choose almost anything from sweaters to toast to cutlery. Your source of power provides a great deal of flavor to your character and can be used as a simple way to customize a wizard. Any power that contains they keyword Source indicates your chosen source of power. Once chosen, you may not switch power sources. E-veeeeer. [Elizabeth chose Sparkly Crystal Powers.]
Class and Species Powers:
Note: Modifiers in parenthesis have already been included in your totals and are present only for reference.
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